Melbourne International Comedy Festival acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands upon which we work and live. We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' spirit, imagination and rich history of storytelling and humour that is an inspiration to all Australians.

We accept the invitation to walk together with First Nations people towards a more positive future for Australia, as described in the Uluru Statement From The Heart.



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The Funny Tonne




Maybe I’m a prude, but a play which spends an hour contemplating the ethics of a ‘victimless’ crime such as Necrophilia isn’t a play worth watching. Both for the fact that I think there’s very little wiggle room morally re: necrophilia, but also that this text offers very little in the way of re-examining necrophilia. I was left wondering what the artists saw in this work beyond cheap shock humour wrapped up in a crude attempt at a feel-good romcom. 

Reviewed by Ryan Hamilton

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